DC-Powered Residential Area

Residential, EV Park, Lighting - Indoor

DC-Powered Residential Area

Current/OS Partners Involved:

Dynniq / Heijmans






An existing AC-neighbourhood with 330 homes was converted to an all-electric area. The consumption profile was studied to evaluate the implementation. The peak consumption was at 2100kW and the annual consumption at 3,3 GWh, ie a 10 MW/h per household.



  • Bipolar +/-350 V: 320-380V
  • TN-S grid
  • 1,2 MW Photovoltaics
  • 2 substations for redundancy
  • 2,3 MW/4 MWh battery


  • 1 MW EV charging: 154 parking spaces with 10 kW DC chargers, max power 1 MW
  • Heat Pumps: 600 kW peak consumption
  • 600 kW uncontrollable loads (lights, washing machines, vacuum cleaner,…)
  • Benefits

    A robust, optimal load distribution with a significantly lower grid connection and limited engineering required

  • 62% reduction with PMS, EMS and battery: Grid connection down to 800kW
  • Battery for peak-shaving and UPS during grid-connection-failure
  • No load-shedding: Loads receive 100% of required energy
  • Quote

    « The goal is to minimize the grid-connection using Power Management and Energy Management Systems. While the Power Management allows to reduce the grid connection by over 50%, a further reduction can be accomplished by combining the PMS with EMS and battery storage; The grid connection is reduced from 2100 kW to 800 kW. Furthermore, the EMS drastically reduces the battery requirements from 2,3 MW/4 MWh to 1,2 MW/2,2 MWh. »

    Sven De Breucker, Heijmans Expert Advisor

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