MiRaCCLE Hauts-Sarts Industrial Park

BMS & IT, EV Park, Lighting - Indoor, Lighting - Outdoor, Office & Video Equipment

MiRaCCLE Hauts-Sarts Industrial Park

Current/OS Partners Involved:



Herstal, Liège Province, Belgium




The MiRaCCLE project aims to connect five company facilities along the same road in an Industrial Park, along with the surrounding street lighting and EV charging stations, within a DC microgrid. By sharing energy generation and storage, they can draw power from the main grid only when costs are lowest.


  • Power 5 company facilities located in a 2 km long street, as well as street lighting and EV charging stations
  • 3-wire bipolar DC bus with +/- 750V DC conductors.
  • design of the necessary converters
  • Benefits

  • The economic gain from this innovative concept could reach 30% for associated companies.
  • Development of the regulatory framework within the GREI (General Regulations on Electrical Installations), as well as information and training to stakeholders of the electric sector in Belgium.
  • Quote

    « 5 companies will share the production of renewable energy PV, storage and connection to the public distribution network, to optimise consumption and take energy from the public grid only when this energy is available at the most attractive cost. The project is still ongoing and the final results will be published in 2025 »

    Ignacio Molina, Volta Technology and Innovation Advisor

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